A green graphic with an image of many envelopes and text reading 30 letter writing ideas in celebration of national letter writing month! a new blog post from Jeneralist

30 National Letter Writing Month Ideas

There’s a month for everything, and April is National Letter Writing Month. I am eager to celebrate!

Snail mail is a favorite hobby for me. I’ve never been much for phone chats, and while video call options can create more connection, I’m tired of them because of how constant they’ve been throughout the pandemic. If I can’t see someone IRL, my preferred way to say hey is snail mail. Not only are notes fun to craft and send, but they’re fun to receive and stand out in a pile of bills and junk. Plus, the recipient can reply when the time is right for them. (It also justifies my somewhat excessive stationery and vintage stamp purchases!)

Here are 30 letter ideas for you to run with this National Letter Writing Month:

  1. A birthday card. Tell the person why you’re glad they were born, or something about the significance for the day.
  2. A joke. You don’t need any other content.
  3. A gratitude note. Is there something someone did for you that you always appreciate but never told them? Tell them!
  4. An “I see you” note. Everyone has something hard going on, though it’s not always advertised. Maybe someone is dealing with illness, struggling with grief, or juggling all aspects of work and parenting. Let them know that you see them and are there for them.
  5. A high five. Celebrate someone for a win—large or small.
  6. A story. What’s something that has happened in your life recently that you want to share with someone?
  7. A kiddo card. Instead of telling parents to say hi to their kid, send them something directly. Bonus if you include some stickers.
  8. A photo. Print a picture to send to someone and tell them what the moment in the picture meant to you.
  9. A poem, original or a favorite. You don’t need to explain why, but you could.
  10. A compliment. What do you admire about a person that they should know?
  11. Art. You could make a collage, draw something, paint something, create something half finished that you encourage the receiver to complete…the possibilities are endless. Remember if you use thicker paper or have an unusual size to add postage just in case!
  12. A recommendation. Maybe it’s a place to go, a book to read, a movie to watch, or a person to get back in touch with.
  13. A mundane overshare on life. What’d you do this past weekend?
  14. A learning. What’s something you learned recently, how did you learn it, and what will you do with that new knowledge.
  15. A joy. What’s something bringing you joy? Spread it!
  16. A question. Ask something you’ve always wondered about and share why you’ve always wondered.
  17. A recipe. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but something you like to make.
  18. An adventure you’d like to plan together. Whether it’s a dinner date later in the month or a trip to the mountains later in the year, share what you’re looking forward to together.
  19. Something nobody knows about you. Secrets secrets are so fun!
  20. A dream. It could be something you think about and hope to manifest, or a literal dream-while-you-were-sleeping retelling. Bonus if the recipient is in the dream (in a good/funny way of course).
  21. A thought from your pet. Maybe a little weird but always fun— write your note from your goldfish or pup instead. (My Bowser has a lot to say about sticks and socks.)
  22. A list of any type.
  23. A puzzle or coded message. This will make the recipient work for their letter, creating a fun (for some) mini-activity.
  24. If you could wake up tomorrow as any animal, what would it be and why?
  25. A product idea. Whats a thing you think should exist that doesn’t?
  26. A reflection on your core values and invitation to the recipient to do the same.
  27. Describe hidden in plain sight gems in your neighborhood. Maybe it’s your neighbor’s pet rock garden or a chalk hopscotch game.
  28. A memory. It could be a memory the recipient was part of, or something else entirely.
  29. Reflections on something happening in the world. Avoid “TV talking points” and share your personal thoughts. Bonus if they’re messy thoughts.
  30. A love letter. So classic and so powerful. If you live with the recipient, you can also put this kind of note in unexpected places like a clothes drawer or on the coffee machine for extra smiles.

I hope these ideas set you off in a good letter writing direction. However, it’s also ok (great, even!) to start a letter with no plan or intention at all, and just do whatever comes to mind. Let your pen flow in whatever way your subconscious dictates. It’s ok to have unfinished thoughts or random tangents!

For any letters, you can keep it simple with a standard envelope and sheet of notebook paper, but you can also add character with fun cards (bought or homemade), different pens, stickers, washi tape, fun envelopes (bought or homemade), special lettering, neat stamps, and anything else you can imagine.

Have fun and let me know what types of letters are your favorite!

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